Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Makeshift shoulder pads!

Heheheheh, Nathan is almost growing out of his infant car seat. The criteria for the infant car seat is that the infant needs to 1) be less than 22 pounds; 2) be less than 29 inches; and 3) be less than a year old. Well, at four months, he's 17 1/2 pounds and 27.75 inches. I'm guessing he's going to reach 29 inches in a month or so. I'm going to have to switch him out into the Toddler car seat soon. Anyhow, so here is a picture of him in his infant car seat. I had to remove the shoulder pads that the car seat came with because Nathan just looked super uncomfortable, but then I didn't want his head flopping everywhere when we are driving, so I decided to get 2 of his socks and I just placed them on top of his shoulders....hahah. Nathan says, "what are you doing, mommy?? I look silly."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww..poor guy...cute pic though!!