Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Flu Shot and Bummer

Jon received the flu shot this past Saturday and now the poor guy has a cold! From reading the CDC wesbite, the most the flu shot will cause is a sore throat! He received the dead virus vaccine in the arm instead of the live virus vaccine up the nose. Anyhow, he's now sleeping on the floor on an extra bed we have. It was weird when I found him there in the middle of the night. When I asked him where he found the blanket, he told me he got it from my paren'ts bed. Good thing my parents are in Taiwan!

Work has been going well. With my promotion at the beginning of the month, my workload has increased, but not to the point that I'm totally stressed out. I barely have any OT...coming in at 9:30am, taking a 30 minute lunch, and leaving at 6pm is my day to day schedule. To the right is a picture of my shelf in my office. Those folders are reconciliations that I still have left to review...down from the 769 that I review each month!

Oh yea! To all the Prison Break fans out there...were you just as sad as I was when you found out that the writers killed off Sara! I was so bummed out for the rest of the episode.

1 comment:

Freystyle said...

wow assistant vp?? daaang...congrats!!