Monday, July 21, 2008

Body Worlds 3!

For the people who actually read my blog....we are planning to go the Body Worlds 3 Exhibit on August 3rd if anyone is interested!!! It's going to be at the California Science Center in L.A.!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The FDIC has taken us over!

I'm sure most of you all have heard that the FDIC has taken Indymac over. It happened last Friday on the 11th at 3 p.m. It was pretty crazy here at the corporate office. I was looking out from the window from the 4th floor and saw the angry customers wanting to get into the branch to take their money out. The media was everywhere. The branches were also closed on Saturday but was to reopen on Monday. On Monday, there was a 3 hour wait to get into the branch. A lady fainted due to the heat and had to be carried out on a stretcher. Crazy, huh?

With all that has happened, I am definitely shocked and deeply saddened. I remember talking to my manager in her office only to tear up. We totally did not see this coming. Indymac was definitely doing their best to cut down on expenses -- no more 401(k) matching, no more subsidized parking, a cut on bonuses, no pay raises... When kept me here was the many working relationships that I had formed over the past 4 years. I'm not sad about not having a job in the near future...I'm sad because I'm going to miss all the people I have come to know professionally and personally. It's one thing to quit a job by choice, but it's another thing to have a job taking away.

It's going to be interesting to see where all of us end up, but I plan to stay here to the end until I get laid off, and then I plan to take at least 6 months off. My hope is that I will receive some sort of severance that will at least help me for a couple of months and of course, the cashing out of my vacation days. There is always collecting unemployment from the gov't as well, too. The last time I checked, it was $450/week.