Nathan -- still working on walking...he's wobbly and pretty clumsy. As we are walking down the street, everything on the ground interests him -- rocks, sticks, bugs--he will squat, pick up the rock, stick, bug...try to stick it in his mouth, then drops it, then 3 steps...squat...pick up...mouth...drop...squat...on and on....He also loves putting objects in boxes, taking them out, and then putting them back in again. He will also give us whatever he is holding in his hand to us if we ask him nicely. :) And...he's back on the pacifier.... :( I had weaned him off of it a couple of months ago, but when he got sick, I used it to help him stay asleep longer at now he is back on it -- only at night. It's funny...I would place the pacifier next to him...and then in the middle of the night when I check on him, the pacifier is in his mouth! He will also try to stick the pacifier in your mouth if you open your mouth. :) Another thing that he likes to do is rip pages off a magazine and hand the pages to us.
Work -- still no news on the sale of the bank, but the rumor is that we are going to be sold as a whole. So....yay!...or nay! I'm torn...yay because I will have a job....but nay because I was kinda hoping to be laid off and collect unemployment and chill for awhile. Gosh, I'm a sucky employee.
Family -- we just came back from San Francisco. We left on X-Mas day -- got there in 6 hours. I was thinking the drive would be worse, but we left at 9:30am and got there at 3:30pm and that's with 3 stops. I was surprised to see a lot of people walking around in Union Square on Christmas Day since all the shops were closed and all. It was beautiful -- all the decoration and the huge tree next to the ice skating rink. Anyhow, we stayed at the Westin St Francis which is pretty much across the street from Macy's, and I am glad we did....on Christmas Day, my crazy mom and I woke up at 7am to shop. It was a good, fun relaxing vacation -- we did the touristy things -- Golden Gate, Fisherman's Wharf, Union Square, and Top Dog (yum!). :)