I should probably blog more often or else I am going to forget when Nathan reaches his new milestones! Just recently, maybe a week or so ago, Nathan started to master his crawl. Up until then, he was doing a army crawl and had many face plants into the ground!
Anyhow, so he crawls to the couch and then pulls himself up into a standing position! I was so amazed! I only let him stand for about 5 seconds before I picked him up. Reason - both my parents and in-laws say that if a child stands up too early or for too long, then it might cause bow-leggedness....fact or fiction? My pediatrician says fiction, but better to be safe...I don't let Nathan stand for too long even though he just loves it. I would pick him up and place him away from the couch and guess what? He crawls to the same couch again so that he could pull himself up to stand.
Also, recently his two front teeth came out!! I saw that his gums were swollen about a week ago, so I knew to expect the teeth to come in...and sure enough, just a couple of days ago, I saw 2 little white stubs. And yesterday, when he was chewing on a sucking pad, there was blood on it. Kind of scared me a little bit, but it didn't seem to bother him.
Hmmm...what else...solid feeding has been going well...He has tried sweet potatoes, peaches, apples, pears, peas, carrots, avocado, banana, zucchini, and blueberries. I think that's it so far.
Oh, yea! So this past weekend, we took Nathan for a dip in the pool, and he just LOVED it! He was kicking the water and he was swimming freestyle! =) I wish I knew how to post a video on this blog....Maybe I'll learn someday. =)
Here are 2 recent funny face pics...He was making this expression daily for awhile.